Online Forensic Science Degree Directory

Welcome to the The Online Forensic Science Degree Directory. The aim of this page is to help anybody looking for information relating to an online forensic science degree program.

University of Canberra (Australia)

Online Master of Forensic Studies in Forensic Science

The Master of Forensic Studies provides a critical understanding and knowledge of the investigative and analytical concepts that apply to specific areas of forensic science.

This online forensic science degree course has been designed to provide a breadth of education choices to enable students to receive training relevant to their chosen specialisation. These options include professional training in law and management areas. This is particularly relevant for students already in the workforce and seeking education to assist in promotion opportunities. The course also provides an opportunity for professionals from non-forensic backgrounds to gain a qualification in this field.

Students meeting the requirements of the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma may exit with the Graduate Certificate of Forensic Studies or the Graduate Diploma of Forensic Studies. Course delivery is online for all forensic units.

Click Here For More Information.

University of Edinburgh (UK)

Online Courses in Forensic Medicine and Forensic Science

The forensic medicine section within the Division of Pathology is dedicated towards the provision of education, training and research in all aspects of the discipline.

Past and present research interests within the section include deaths due to fire, suicide, drug use, brain trauma, road traffic collisions, cot death, forensic archaeology, odontology, psychology, head injury, DNA and the role of the autopsy in the investigation of death.

The College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine has an exciting and extensive programme of online forensic science degree courses.

Click Here For More Details About Online Courses in Forensic Medicine and Forensic Science At The University of Edinburgh.

Florida International University (USA)

Online Master in Forensic Science

Administered by IFRI, the International Forensic Science Institute, based in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the Master of Science in Forensic Science, Report Option Professional Track On-Line, is an interdisciplinary online forensic science degree program designed to prepare students for careers in local, state and national forensic science laboratories.

The program may also be suitable preparation for doctoral instruction in several disciplines.

Click Here For Full Details.

University of Florida (USA)

Forensic Science Online Program (Certificate & Masters)

The University of Florida online forensic science program is designed to meet the needs of today’s working professionals. There are four areas of concentration, each offering a certificate or master’s degree option.

Each course is conducted online and is made up of specific topic modules. Most modules contain course notes supplemented with images, animations, and case studies, as well as step-by-step instructions for gearing up and accessing UF library materials and e-journals.

Students have 24/7 access to course modules, which are released over the duration of the UF semester, enabling them to work at their own pace, on their own schedule. Assessment is continuous throughout the semester. Grades are based on the successful completion of a written assignment at the end of each module. Some courses also include timed multiple choice quizzes and self tests. Assignment due dates and other important dates are provided on a course calendar. Students interact with teaching assistants, course instructors, and each other, using private course e-mail, discussion boards, and live chat sessions.

Students can register for one or more courses each semester. All certificate programs are conducted fully online, however all MS students must attend the UF campus for three days in their final semester to take the MS degree written qualifying exam.

Click Here To Find Out More About The Forensic Science Online Program.

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