Environmental Forensics Links

Welcome to the environmental forensics links section of the All About Forensic Science Website. For each environmental forensics related information resource featured below, a brief description will be given along with a direct link to the website in question.

The International Society of Environmental Forensics (ISEF)

The goal of the ISEF is to regularly provide workshops, and training on subject matter encompassing all aspects of contamination within the environmental media of air, water, soil, and biota. The society also serves to promote the publication, and dissemination of relevant technical material in the journal Environmental Forensics, the official journal of the International Society of Environmental Forensics.

Click Here To Visit The International Society of Environmental Forensics Website.

The National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC)

Part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, The National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC) is the only environmental forensic center accredited for environmental data measurement activities. The Center has a unique role in conducting complex criminal and civil enforcement investigations and applied research and development to support science for enforcement.

The NEIC website is a comprehensive resource which includes an outstanding environmental forensic library where you can access a vast collection of Free Digital & Paper Publications.

Click Here To Visit The National Enforcement Investigations Center Website.

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