Forensic Media WatchThis page showcases the very best freely available forensic science related TV programs, radio broadcasts and Internet videos.
BBC Radio: The Material World
An excellent, insightful and thoroughly engaging weekly radio broadcast from the BBC. The Material World reports on developments across the sciences. Each week scientists describe their work, conveying the excitement they feel for their research projects. Don't worry if you miss the live broadcast as you can listen to any of the programs again by visiting The Material World BBC Homepage The following broadcasts discussed forensic related topics. Forensic Computing: (First broadcast on the 23rd February 2006) Recently, a forensic analysis was done on several second hand computers. It was found that they contained a mass of personal information, including bank account details and passwords. Given the rise in identity theft, are we making life too easy for criminals? Ten years ago ago a fraud investigation would involve a week of physical searching through someone's office. These days you are more likely to be searching computer data. So what is forensic computing? Sue Nelson talks to Professor of Criminology Martin Gill and Mike Adlem from risk consultants Protiviti, who explain how computers are helping the criminals - but the cops aren't far behind.
Click Here To Listen To The Forensic Computing Broadcast. Wildlife Forensics: (First broadcast on the 20th April 2006) The National Criminal DNA Database contains three million samples from suspects and convicted criminals and 250,000 crime-scene samples and each week more than 300 crime samples are matched to a suspect and entered. Increasingly the techniques used in DNA forensics are now being applied to wild animals and endangered species as well as to humans. Wildlife crime, which includes the trafficking of endangered species as well as offences such as bird poisoning and badger baiting, is a growing problem. Quentin Cooper is joined by Rob Ogden, project director of Wildlife DNA Services, and Dr Adrian Linacre, senior lecturer in Forensic Science at Strathclyde University, to discuss how DNA is helping to tackle wildlife crime. Click Here To Listen To The Wildlife Forensics Broadcast.
Guardian Unlimited: Science Weekly
Very interesting series of weekly science podcasts. Many of the 30 minute broadcasts have items related to the world of forensic science. For information on all the latest podcasts, you can visit the The Guardian Science Podcasts Homepage page by Clicking Here. The following podcasts discussed forensic related topics. The CSI Effect: (First broadcast on the 30th April 2007) Forensic psychologist Katherine Ramsland discusses the CSI effect and its impact on forensic science and the criminal justice system. Click Here To Listen To The CSI Effect Podcast. DNA Forensics: (First broadcast on the 23rd April 2007) Interview with the director of forensic sciences at the International Commission on Missing Persons Dr Thomas Parsons. Dr Parsons talks about how DNA forensics is helping communities in the former Yugoslavia to find out what happened to loved ones who went missing during the conflict there. This broadcast also includes the last interview with DNA Legend Francis Crick before his death in 2004. Click Here To Listen To The DNA Forensics Podcast. The Role of Forensic Science & DNA Profiling in Criminal Investigations: (First broadcast on the 18th December 2006) Broadcast during the hunt for the Suffolk serial killer in the UK, head of DNA at the Forensic Science Service Paul Hackett talks about what help scientists can offer in this type of investigation.
Click Here To Listen To The Role of Forensic Science & DNA Profiling in Criminal Investigations Podcast. Special Note: As the hunt for the Suffolk serial killer developed I posted regular updates on my forensic psychology blog, particularly in relation to any psychological information or theories. If you would like to find out more about this case, you can do so by Clicking Here The Innocence Project: (First broadcast on the 24th July 2006) Interview with Greg Hampikian of Boise State University, who works with the Innocence Project in the US; a scheme that uses scientific techniques to prove the innocence of America's wrongly-imprisoned death row inmates. Hampikian talks about some harrowing cases and explains how DNA can get people off the hook for crimes they did not commit. Click Here To Listen To The Innocence Project Podcast. Go From The Forensic Media Page Back To The Home Page