Microscope PicturesWelcome to the microscope-pictures page. Please feel free to download and use any of the images featured below in your science projects, presentations, lectures, teaching materials etc.
To the best of our knowledge all the images featured on the microscope pictures page are in the public domain. No permission is required to use the images, although please help spread the word about this free resource by mentioning this website after each picture you use i.e. Photo Made Available For Free At www.all-about-forensic-science.com
Simply point your mouse cursor at the picture you want and then right-click on the picture (a menu will appear). Mac users, simply press and hold down the mouse button to see the menu. Choose "Save picture as" if you're using Internet Explorer, or choose "Save image as" if you're using Netscape Navigator. Choose where you would like to save the picture and whether you would like to change the image name or the format of the image. Finally, Click the button to the right of the "File name" box. It will either be called Save or Open.
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