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Jan 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have a very high interest in this field and I am looking at Chicago. This is my school of choice for the moment as I have heard they have the best forensic anthropology program. I am still in high school and looking more information.

Mar 22, 2010
Chicago State
by: Anonymous

Sorry, I forgot to state my opinion, which is to be frank, that forensic anthropology is a highly respected branch of science, it can help identify people, and basically give an angle as to our society as well as others.

It reveals not only the most interesting things about culture, and many other things, mind you I am currently in high school and can understand, to some extent, how wonderfully opurtunistic this field is. To be able to travel, to examine, to explore the vast human species, whether deceased or not.

It is also, however, understood that there are rare jobs available for forensic anthropolgy, but it is a risk worth taking in my opinion. that is all I have to say on the subject.

Mar 22, 2010
forensic anthropology to speak
by: Anonymous

I have heard that chicago state, though an extensive party school, has a great forensics curriculum. If anyone has more information on this subject, it would be greatly appreciated.

Jun 17, 2009
Don't Sweat It!
by: Anonymous

The University of Tennessee has a great forensic anthropology program. However, the actual degree is in biological anthropology with a concentration in forensic anthropology. That would give you a more broad area of study so job opportunities would be less rare.

Apr 27, 2009
not unbaised but true
by: Anonymous

I go to Mercyhurst College and I am in the program for Forensic Anthropology Concentration undergrad, we are suppose to be ranked number 3 for forensic anthro in the states, only because University of Pittsburgh and University of Tennessee are #1 and #2, it's a very difficult major, hope you enjoy chemisty =], oh we also offer a masters in Anthropology.

Feb 15, 2009
slightly biased..
by: Anonymous

I recently graduated from Western Carolina University in North Carolina, and I minored in Forensic Anthropology. The WCU Forensics department is nearly one of a kind, and is one of the fastest growing departments at the university. WCU has one of two human remains decomposition facilities in the world; the other is at the University of Tennessee.

Good Luck!

Nov 04, 2008
Thank you.
by: Bailee

Thank you for your answer. And I understand that a forensic anthropologist is not a full time career. Most forensic anthropologists teach at an university and I'm comfortable with that. Although, I am looking into archeology. Thank you for your answer and it's a school I will look into!

Nov 03, 2008
not unbiased but still....
by: WFR

I cannot give you an unbiased opinion but can give you some advice as a longtime forensic scientist and forensic educator. You should seriously reconsider your selection of a career. Virtually no one in the US works full time as a forensic anthropologist. Almost all forensic anthropologists are professors of biological or physical anthropology with PhDs.

You might consider crime scene processing/reconstruction as an alternative career.

If you decide to go ahead, you should consider the Department of Anthropology at The George Washington University. It has an undergraduate archaeology major and strong ties with the University's Department of Forensic Sciences.

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