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Dec 17, 2010
Ridiculous Notion
by: Anonymous

Some 'energy dumper' and 'stretch cavity' advocates put these myths out there to fuel their misconceived bias. The only contact shotgun wounds that did not fully penetrate were those of very light birdshot in which the under-trained medic called buckshot wounds as he knew nothing about shotguns whatsoever.

The skull is composed of many sections, which disassemble when shocked or impacted; the pellets would penetrate fully and pieces of the skull and grey matter would follow.

The only people who deny this will either have no idea about the topic they are talking about or will have very specific circumstances, i.e. an underpowered load with poorly made pellets. Please, do not make unintelligent assumptions because you didn't understand an event, learn and let others learn.

Jul 31, 2009
00 Buck
by: Anonymous

There probably won't be much head left for either an entrance or an exit wound to be found in. 00 Buck is roughly a .33 Caliber pellet diameter, and can travel in excess of 1200 ft/sec for a 2 3/4 shotshell. 00 Buck usually has around 8-9 pellets per shell of that length. One pellet alone will almost certainly create an exit wound.

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