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May 26, 2010
Maxillary Sinus identification
by: Anonymous

This is a common method of identification and requires antemortem radiographs in AP projection for compoarison with postmortem radiographs taken in the same plane and position.

The configuration of the sinus pattern can be traced and overlaid on the opostmortemm film or you can if the quality is good ovwerlay the postmortem film on top of the antemortem film.
You state there were no dental records but obviously there was the antemortem skull X Ray which you think would have demonstrated the teeth.

If that was the case the angulation of the roots of the teeth and trabecualr bone patterns could be utiized.

If you go to Journal of Forensic Science web page look at past issues there are articles on maxillary sinus patterns for identification if you type that into the search section.

As a forensic technician I have utilized maxillary sinus identification in a skull utilizing antremortem and postmortem radiograph comparison.

Another method that could be used is craniosuperimpostion where you have a photograph of the deceased preferably smiling showing the teeth and the picture is superimposed over theskull panning in andout matching up anatomical points and pattern of the teeth.

Glenn Wilcher

Forensic Technician

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