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Jan 14, 2009
by: Glenn Wilcher Forensic Technician

As stated by other persons they can assist investigations by
1) Dental identification - for bodies visually unidentifiable for various reasons.
Associated with this is DVI (Disaster Victim Identification)
2) Bite mark analysis - determining if bite is human or non human, determining if actually a bite , saliva sampling from the bite and photography.
3) Assisting with wound impressions.
4) Determining age of skeletal remains from the teeth.
5) Race determination - morphology of the skull.
6) Assisting in issues with living - bite mark analysis in rapes, bite marks in objects assoc with crimes eg robberies where food eaten at house.
7) determining type of animal bites. rodents, shark etc

Jan 11, 2009
No, but I can name three....
by: WFR

Identify a decedent through dental records;

Compare bitemarks on a victim or suspect; and

Interpret dental injuries (child and elder abuse cases).

Jan 10, 2009
Forensic Odontology
by: David

Hi Billy

There is a page dedicated to forensic odontology on the website (see following link). If you go there, you'll get all the answers you need and more.

Forensic Odontology

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