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Sep 17, 2010
Be careful
by: Jarred C

If you are looking for an undergraduate program, I would recommend just sticking with a science degree, and ignoring the forensics tag. Getting an undergrad degree in a forensic specific major will not help you acquire a job, and may hurt your chances if you have to get a job in a non-forensic related field (in the event that you can't or won't get a forensic job right away).

Just get a biology or chemistry degree from an accredited university. If you would like to continue your education into graduate school, then you can focus on forensic specific if you're getting a masters degree. For graduate school, I highly recommend going to an accredited school, but it may not be a problem if you don't. As long as you are going to a school with a challenging curriculum, and not an easy school or a degree mill.

If you're planning on getting a Ph.D., then I recommend not focusing on forensics. Get your doctorate in something that can be applied to forensics, but also applied elsewhere in the world.

You have to be aware of the chance that you get a job in a forensic lab, and then hate it. Be prepared of this event.

Forensics is such a wide open field that you do not need a degree with a forensics tag just to get a job or to do research in the field of forensics. The vast majority of people who work in the field have degrees elsewhere.

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