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Jan 14, 2009
Murders Organ Donation
by: Glenn Wilcher Forensic Technician

In NSW Australia it is unlikely that organ donation would be consented to by the Coroner and or Forensic Pathologist under state Tissue Act but depends what the nature of the injury is. If the person injuries are deemed as not affecting the information the Coroner is wanting to establish being the cause of death time manner and mechanism certain organs maybe allowed for harvesting.

In NSW All Coroners cases have to have consent from the Coroner for organ transplantation and will be guided by the Forensic Pathologist who has to give consent as well despite whatever the wishes were of the deceased and or Senior Next of Kin.

It depends on each individual case. A stabbing to the heart obviously will not see thoracic organs allowed, but corneal retrieval for transplantation may be acceptable.

Glenn Wilcher

Nov 20, 2008
It all depends ....
by: WFR

It all depends on where the victim expires. If the victim dies in the ER by a cause that doesn't compromise the organs the organs will be harvested. An early 'brain death' case involved a shooting victim who was declared dead in the ER and organs were harvested. The shooter at trial claimed the doctors killed the victim. It wasn't successful.

If the victim is found dead elsewhere the body is going to the ME or coroner first. Then the organs are probably not going to be usable after the ME has done an autopsy.

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