Enneagram Test

Unmasking Personalities: The Role of the
Enneagram Test in Forensic Science

Unmasking Personalities: The Role of the Enneagram Test in Forensic Science


Forensic science, the cornerstone of modern criminal investigations, encompasses various methods to uncover the motivations underpinning criminal activities. One fascinating element in this field is personality profiling, which helps in understanding the motives and behaviors of suspects. The Enneagram Test, a popular tool in personality assessment, is beginning to gain traction in forensic science. This article delves into the Enneagram Test, its application in forensic investigations, and its potential to enhance criminal profiling.

Understanding the Enneagram Test

The Enneagram Test has roots in ancient traditions but was popularized in the 20th century by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo. The test identifies nine distinct personality types, each representing a different worldview and pattern of behavior. These types are:

1. The Reformer: Perfectionistic and principled
2. The Helper: Caring and interpersonal
3. The Achiever: Success-oriented and adaptive
4. The Individualist: Sensitive and introspective
5. The Investigator: Analytical and perceptive
6. The Loyalist: Committed and security-oriented
7. The Enthusiast: Spontaneous and versatile
8. The Challenger: Self-confident and assertive
9. The Peacemaker: Easygoing and accommodating

The Enneagram Test assesses an individual's primary type and their tendencies under stress and security, in order to provide a comprehensive personality profile.

Application of the Enneagram Test in Forensic Science

Personality profiling plays a role in forensic investigations by aiding in the understanding of criminal behavior and attempting to predict future actions. The Enneagram Test can be a useful tool in this context by helping to identify an individual's core behavioral motivations, which in turn investigators could employ to predict behavior patterns.

In conjunction with other personality assessment tools, such as the the Big Five personality traits, the Enneagram Test has the potential to be a valuable asset in psychology related forensic investigations.

Benefits of Using the Enneagram Test in Forensics

1. Enhancing Criminal Profiling Accuracy:

The Enneagram Test delves into the core motivations and fears driving individuals' actions. This deeper understanding allows forensic psychologists to create more accurate profiles, aiding in the identification of suspects.

2. Improving Suspect and Witness Interviews:

Understanding a suspect or witness's Enneagram type can guide investigators in their approach to interviews. For instance, a Type 9 (The Peacemaker) might respond better to a calm, non-confrontational interview style, whereas a Type 8 (The Challenger) may require a more assertive approach to gain their cooperation.

3. Assisting in Understanding Criminal Behavior Patterns:

The Enneagram Test helps identify patterns in criminal behavior. By recognizing the core fears and desires driving an offender, investigators can potentially predict future actions and prevent further offending.

Limitations and Ethical Considerations

While the Enneagram Test offers valuable insights, it is important to acknowledge its limitations and ethical implications.

1. Potential Biases and Inaccuracies:

Like any personality assessment tool, the Enneagram Test is not infallible. It relies on self-reported data, which can be subject to bias or manipulation. Therefore, it should be used in conjunction with other investigative methods to ensure accuracy.

2. Ethical Implications of Using Personality Tests in Legal Contexts:

The use of personality tests in forensic investigations raises ethical concerns. It is crucial to ensure that such tools are not used to unfairly label or stereotype individuals. Forensic investigators must use the Enneagram Test responsibly, considering the broader context of each case.

3. Ensuring Responsible Use of the Enneagram Test:

Training and expertise are vital when using the Enneagram Test in forensics. Professionals must be well-versed in interpreting the results and understanding the nuances of each personality type to avoid misapplication.

Future of the Enneagram Test in Forensic Science

The Enneagram Test's potential in forensic science is exciting, with emerging trends and advancements indicating its growing importance.

1. Emerging Trends and Advancements:

Advancements in forensic psychology and technology are paving the way for more sophisticated applications of the Enneagram Test. Integration with AI and machine learning could enhance the accuracy and efficiency of personality profiling.

2. Potential Integration with Other Forensic Technologies:

Combining the Enneagram Test with other forensic tools, such as behavioral analysis and crime scene investigation, could provide a more holistic understanding of criminal behavior.

3. Ongoing Research and Development:

Continued research into the Enneagram Test's application in forensics is crucial. Studies exploring its effectiveness in various criminal contexts will help refine its use and establish best practices.


The Enneagram Test, with its insights into human personality, holds significant promise in forensic science. By enhancing criminal profiling, improving interviews, and aiding in understanding criminal behavior, it can be a powerful tool in the fight against crime. However, it is essential to use the test responsibly, acknowledging its limitations and ethical considerations. As forensic science continues to evolve, the Enneagram Test has the potential to play an important role in understanding the psychological components within a criminal investigation.

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